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How Do You Recover And Go Back To Friendship After Love?
soumis samedi 17 mai 2015 par Vinnie Msabba /s/Romance    dénoncer un abus

Yes, It's true that there is LOVE after FRIENDSHIP. But does FRIENDSHIP really work out after LOVE?

So. I'm not going to go into details about this, but I'm trying to figure out how to move on from the girl who broke my heart. The issue is that she wants to remain friends. How do you do that and is it even possible to do? And if you were the other guy knowing you took someone else's woman would you want that guy to be hanging around as her friend?

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Harold lundi 19 mai 2015
It Is Possible But Very Hard Depending If U Realy Loved Ur Ex,Lol U May Nt wnt e Ex 2 Be e Girls Frend bt Wat Can U Do Hahahaha
Andre Mozokien mardi 8 juillet 2015
Want to knw how work.
Mira mardi 8 juillet 2015
My issue was somehow complicated am in love with my ex-girl and she already have two kids. What will I do?
Mira mardi 8 juillet 2015
She has two kids with somebody else what will do?
Thami mardi 8 juillet 2015
is possible and advice able to be friends before it graduate, because by then you would've known each other deeply.
Mosh Carter Junior vendredi 18 juillet 2015
No way friendship after love will never flow in one route. Impossible
VickyBanty samedi 2 août 2015
I've actually had this expeirnace.She still wants us to remain frnds but, my heart will not accept all that cos she has been the one doing all the calling and tryin to ensure we stay frnds, but it's different now... I've actually moved on...

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