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Why Is It So Hard To Have A Woman That Doesn't Love Money?
submetido domingo 24 agosto 2015 por mmadumelu amechi /s/Romance    denunciar usuário

The title sums it all up. But I wanna know what does money have that turn women on so much? Yet they criticize us men for liking looks, big breast, big ass, etc. I find being attracted to those things are a lot more acceptable since its how nature programmed us to be. Yet money in the other hand is not a natural object, it was something created by men to "keep the world going around".

But I still don't understand why it turns women on so much, since money is no way near connected with love or affection. Yet I see it in our society all the time; these old, ugly, and unattractive men who get all the women just for having lots of money. Most of these men even treat them like sh*t and don't even love their women.

Why women? Money cannot love you, cannot make you come in bed, cannot keep you warm in bed at night, cannot protect you from danger, cannot start a family with you, cannot help you raise your children, so why does this little green paper turn you on so much?

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Skela quinta-feira 2 outubro 2015
True word.! Why Is It So Hard To Have A Woman That Doesn't Love Money?

Japheth quinta-feira 2 outubro 2015

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