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The Worst 5 S*xual Mistakes To Avoid In 2015
submitted sunday 7 september 2015 by Naomi /s/Romance    report abuse

Sexuality is an experience we are free to explore and experience, so everybody should take resolutions to connect and communicate with their partners in a more open and loving way in the New Year. This New Year should be a way to spark back into your relationship.

For this New Year, we have to take new resolutions to improve our life on different aspects such as romantic, financial and even sexual ones. More often than not, some of these new commitments let behind them some less important we are not to mention. However, most resolutions which are taken don’t deal with sexual life but it is a mistake to neglect this aspect of our life because it is a great part of our well-being and we could have a healthy and interesting sexual life in 2015 if you try to avoid these five common sexual mistakes for this New Year.

1. Do not use condom

Sexual life is very important, so everybody should have safer sexual life by using condoms or make tests with his/her partners if he /she want to use condom no more. Condoms are useful because they allow avoiding STD and unwanted pregnancy. Before deciding to have non-protected sex, partners should make STD test together to be informed each other about the status of his/her beloved and other options to control births. The African-American community is really touched by the STD infection such as herpes, HPV and HIV. According to CDC, there exists unfortunately no published or known drug to heal these infections, so choose to practice safer sex.

2. Assuming someone is safe from STD

STD’s have not visible symptoms and because of that, many people suppose that guy face to them is not suffering from STD as this one does not show any visible STD symptoms. It is good both of you make your std test before having sex when you meet a new friend or a former partner, not just for your protection, but to have funnier instant with your partner.

3. Assuming your partner knows how to give you pleasure

Most men and women generally think their partner know how to please them when they are going to have sex together. However it is a mistake to think so. So, it is very important to communicate to your partners your sexual triggers if you want to enjoy sex instant within this year. Your partner should know what he/she could do to make you enjoy the instant. It is so important to communicate because the communication is the key to have healthy and satisfactory sexual relationship.

4. You say nothing when you are not satisfied

When you have sex and you are not satisfied (see #3!), don’t keep it for yourself, especially when you are expecting a long-term relationship. It is important to explain your partner you are not satisfied and you expect it will better the next times rather than to keep it as a secret. Maybe it will be not easy for you to explain it to your beloved but you have to do it. Find good words to explain it to your partner avoiding to hurt him/her (telling your partner you are not satisfied by him/her when you have sex should automatically be considered as an insult). While you are telling it to him/her, explain your partner that your intention to get things better for both of you just to avoid to frustrate someone. So try to find solutions and show your partner how to deal with.

5.Avoiding to experience new things

Women hold more themselves back than men and it stop them to reach the top of ecstasy. Whatever may be holding you back— work on questioning those fears and placing them where they need to be (which is outside of the bedroom) — whether it be fear of being judged or being uncomfortable with your body. Both of you could be frustrated if one of you hold himself/herself back while having sex together. So we advise you to talk to a sex therapist, a counselor and even a sex coach if image issues or a lack of sexual confidence are reasons behind the repression of sexual expression.

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The Worst 5 S*xual Mistakes To Avoid In 2015

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