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Reasons Why Women Like Casual S*x So Much
soumis dimanche 7 septembre 2015 par Naomi /s/Romance    dénoncer un abus

Breaking and interesting news here for you, guys!!. Researchers of the Ottawa University studied the motivation of women for Hanky Panky and they have been surprised why they like casual sex a lot!

A survey gathered 510 women – most of them were from Canada, but the region did not impact the result – women have been interrogated about their sexual attitudes. They have been asked why they like casual sex and the most of them replied “I cannot resist when I face a good-looking guy”. Then, the two following other reasons were "It is interesting" and "I was horny."

It is the kind of thing we don’t like to advice here. It is unthinkable that a woman have sex with a stranger just because that pleases her. It is unbelievable.

The survey does not just focus only on casual sex, ok? It also examined the incentives of women for cheating on her partner whereas they were in a relation or married. Despites these new circumstances, reasons are the same. They answer that they have sex with an unknown person just because “it is pleasant” but there are also more emotional reasons such as “show my affection” or “communicate at a ‘deeper’ level”.

The survey said, " [w]omen evoked more physical incentives for casual sex and more emotional incentives for cheating on a partner being in a relationship." According to the Researchers, the sexual orientations did not impact the reason why women like casual sex.

I have read all this and what I retain is women have sex with unknown person just because they want it. It is the unique explanation and nothing else.

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Reasons Why Women Like Casual S*x So Much

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