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9 Things You Should Not Do After Breakup
presentada viernes 1 agosto 2015 por Christian /s/Romance    denunciar un abuso

A break up is never an easy deal.
No matter how casual a relationship was, once you are not the one that pulled the curtains over the show, it hurts like hell when it is called off.
Where sex has been involved and/or you have spent a long time together, a breakup is like …
This is why many people go crazy post break-up/divorce.
Now, we are well aware of the pain involved, but there are some things you should never, ever do after you lose your lover – doing them is bad, very bad for you.

Here you go:
1. Never do rebound/revenge sex. You might be tempted to immediately give your body to another person as a way of proving that you’re still desirable. It is a bad move. Most likely, after a few days, you’ll be left regretting that sudden move. So chill until you’re over it before getting sexually involved.

2. Never make ‘forgetting’ your ex like a mission . Yes, you have to forget and move on. But consciously doing this is a waste of your precious time. Instead, focus on building new relationships, romantic or platonic. One fact is that you can’t erase these memories overnight. So let live and let time deliver you.

3. Never attempt revenge. The best revenge for a heartbreak is to move on and be successful without the person that hurt you. If you attempt to physically harm your ex – e.g. acid attack, voodoo things or gang attack, you will only create more trouble.

4. Never bad-mouth them to others. It is not a cool thing to begin a campaign of calumny against him or her after your break up. If you go spilling their secrets, you might hurt them or even you both in the event that you get back together. The secret you spill will haunt you.

5. Never think you cannot move on. No matter how close or important that person was, you can move on. He/she should not be an excuse not to make anything out of your life. Saying “he/she destroyed my life" is like living forever in the past. Move on because here are still a lot you can achieve.

6. Never judge other people with your ex’s actions. You should not use your ex as a yardstick to relate with people, especially potential replacements. Pushing away people because of an ex is suffering twice, especially as your ex may have moved on.

7. Never resort to blackmail. Yes, you are hurt and revenge seems tempting. However, for financial gains or to get the relationship back, do not resort to blackmail. It is a crime to threaten them with anything, even nude photos or documents.

8. Never return gifts. It is very childish to go returning gifts because of a break-up. Same goes for asking your ex to return everything you once gave them in love. Just move on, unless you want headache.

9. Never make your ex a regular topic in new relationship. If it is over it is over. Your new lover does not need to know all the details of what went down. It can sometimes become irritating and annoying and may even lead you to another break up.

Above all, follow your heart because, eventually, what matters is how your heart feels about the whole drama.
If going back is a positive option, then do it… otherwise, leave the past in the past.

Keep loving!

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Jones lunes 22 septiembre 2015
Am really confused, i have been dating a girl for 4years now and i gues she's really tired of me but i still love her so much, anytime i try to talk about we getting back she get vexed and say sort of insultive words, lyk fuck off, smetymes she even treathen to slap me, infact she as slaped me times without number, please i don't know what to do...
Ken lunes 22 septiembre 2015
seems she's gotten tired of you for now, give her a break and build on your career, She might come crawling back, but if you still hang around her you might hurt yourself more. The truth is She is dating someone she thinks is better than your are
Angula lunes 22 septiembre 2015
jag breack up is not an end off life sow jus keep up hooking with her or him

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