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Wansi Cyrille Gbetnkom Marion Harold Samir Thierrymiguel Belem

Nanathomas, 35 ans

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Cameroun, Yaoundé


À propos de moi

I am a very happy and independent man who loves music, dancing, crafts, cooking, reading and many other interests. I like to make long walks to nowhere in particular and enjoy new places that I find along the way. I love traveling and sports, I am caring, kind, respectful,honest and a good friend. I believe in myself and my dreams. I am an independent man who believes in giving a chance to see what lies beneath the package they present to the world.

I am looking for a woman who is emotionally healthy, comfortable in her own skin and willing to share some parts of the journey of life with someone. We may share chemistry ... Love me for who I am and who will be my friend. A woman with a great sense of humor, honest, caring will be as enjoyable.

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